Laboratory Technician
Are you ready to start working on interesting projects in a growing company?
Etsimme oma-aloitteista ja positiivisen työotteen omaavaa Laboranttia/Laboratorioanalyytikkoa Espooseen vasta-aineiden tuotantoon.
Työsuhde on vakituinen ja alkaa sopimuksen mukaan alkuvuodesta 2025.
Monipuoliset työtehtävät pitävät sisällään vasta-ainetta tuottavien nisäkässolulinjojen kasvatusta sekä bioreaktoriajojen ylläpitoa, vasta-aineiden puhdistusta nestekromatografialla sekä asiakastoimitusten annostelua. Tehtävään kuuluvat myös laboratorion ja laitteiden ylläpitotyöt. Olet reipas, oma-aloitteinen ja nautit tuotantotyön tarjoamasta nopeasta temposta. Pääasiallinen työkieli on suomi, mutta yrityksemme kansainvälistyessä myös englannin kielen hallinta on tarpeellista.
Sinulla on laboratorioanalyytikon (tai vastaava) koulutus. Omaat kyvyn tehdä tarkkuutta vaativaa työtä ja oman työn suunnittelu on sinulle tuttua. Jos sinulla on kokemusta aseptisesta työskentelystä, nisäkässoluviljelystä tai proteiinien puhdistuksesta nestekromatografialla olet oikea henkilö meidän tiimiimme.
Kokemus laatujärjestelmän mukaisesta työskentelystä (ISO13485) sekä rekombinanttiproteiinien tuottamisesta on myös etu.
Tarjoamme sinulle mielenkiintoisen ja monipuolisen roolin kasvavassa kansainvälisessä bioteknologian yrityksessä. Pääset osaksi asiantuntevaa ja kannustavaa tiimiä ja saat mahdollisuuden kehittää omaa osaamistasi monipuolisten työtehtävien parissa.
Hakemukset 23.11.2024 mennessä
About Us
Medix Biochemica is a rapidly growing in vitro diagnostics (IVD) company with Finnish roots and global branches. We’ve got sites in Espoo, Finland; St. Louis, Miami and Westbrook USA; Shanghai, China; Besançon, France, and Konstanz, Germany with further expansion on the horizon. We develop, produce and supply high-quality IVD raw material products that enable our customers to deliver results to billions of patients. Across disciplines and disease areas, we’re always working to shorten our customers’ time to market and build quality into every one of their tests.
Recently, we’ve made some bold acquisitions to help us progress with our big ambitions – to be the first-choice raw material partner for the IVD industry. Today, we can provide our customers with the most comprehensive raw material portfolio in the IVD world, and a team made up of the best minds in the business. And we’d love for you to join us.
As well as our dedication to the IVD industry, we’re dedicated to making Medix Biochemica a great place to work. Our values guide the working practices of over 270 colleagues around the globe. We Care, We Dare, and We Deliver are values we work to uphold, every day!
- Site
- Medix Biochemica Headquarters Finland
- Role
- Manufacturing
- Locations
- Espoo, Finland
Espoo, Finland
We Offer
Big enough company to be industry-leading but small enough to have flexibility and the feeling of being part of a community
An international and diverse working environment with colleagues passionate about making a difference in the IVD industry
A welcoming culture where you can utilise your skills but also grow and develop them alongside our rapidly growing organization
Workplace & Culture
Our heritage provides us with a strong foundation. We are proud of our quality, are explorers at heart, and are all committed team players—it’s in our DNA. Our passion, diversity, and values form the foundation of our shared culture. We are passionate about innovation and delivering quality to our customers and people.
As part of our We Care value, we strive for a diverse culture of inclusion and belonging. We come from all around the world and have employees in many different countries. This means our team speaks many of different languages. Our employees also have diverse professional backgrounds and education. Some have been with us for only a few months while, others have been here for over 40 years. We also strive for a diverse culture where everyone can be their true selves at work - making a difference in the success of the company and the world around us.
About Medix Biochemica
A truly global company with a proudly Finnish background, we’ve dedicated decades to serving the IVD industry.
Laboratory Technician
Are you ready to start working on interesting projects in a growing company?
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